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10days with Bella. Episode 10.

Episode 10

Day 6 ( How Dare You?)

Bella stayed home getting her self occupied by
reading books and all knowing more about grace
, today’s is Alli’s birthday well she had not met
the girl yet but she feels she will be very
beautiful, knight has gotten her a beautiful pink
gown to put on and she knows by the time she
wears it he won’t get his eyes off her .
He has gone to work since the party is stroke
evening, the time was drawing nearer so she
went up into the room after freshing up , she
wore the dress and put on some little ear rings ,
she wore the golden necklace knight won for her
at the auction, as she does this she smiled
She began arranging her long hair Making sure
to curl the under , she brought out her nude
heels and wore it , then attached a wrist watch ,
she reached for the perfume Knight already
arranged for her before she came, and spread a
little on her self , she smiled, she really doesn’t
know why she’s doing all this , but one thing is
for sure , she wants Knight to get attached to
her, she has a plan later tonight, and in her heart
she hopes she could find some clues if she does
what she wants to do , she knows Knight might
get mad at her but she has to try, she’s doing
this to get to the root of his misery.
She really didn’t do much makeup, she put on a
light lipstick and touched her curly hair and
smiled at herself she smooth her dress and just
then she got a knock on the door .
She opened the door and grace was smiling at
her .
” Wow Bella, you look so beautiful in this dress ”
grace said and Bella smiled.
“Do you think Knight will like it ? She aksed.
“Of course, he will not only like it but love it ”
grace said smiling at her ,she gave Bella a secret
look and Bella knew what she was thinking
“Oh common grace , it’s not what you think”
Bella said and chuckled.
” Am not saying anything, but I know once Mr
Houston sees you he will love you more ” grace
said and Bella blushed.
“By the way his outside waiting for you ” grace
said and Bella nodded as she walked gently
down the Stairs.
She went out of the mansion and Knight stood
talking on phone, she wonders what he always
says on phone , when she walked closer to him
she finally stood waiting for him to notice her he
Once he turned, his eyes looked shocking as he
stare at her beautiful face down to her leg then
up ward again, he forgot he was talking on phone
and stare like a hawk , his huge cock was
growing so hard like a rock , fuck what the hell .
” Umm….yeah…yeah….o… ok, yeah bye “, he
stammered into the phone and Bella smiled she
knew Knight liked what he was seeing she
couldn’t help but blush.
” Wow!! You look sweet, ” Knight said pulling her
to him by the waist”, I wish I could have you
right now ” Knight whispered in her ear making
her shive.
Bella closed her eyes enjoying the feel of his lips
against the soft flesh of her neck, Knight pulled
her head and kissed her lips which she quickly
responded too, Bella couldn’t help but get turned
on .
Knight pulled back .
” Let’s go, they must be waiting”, he said and
Bella nodded , this time around he opened the
car door for her and Knight drove off .
They arrived at a beautiful looking mansion, and
Knight wrapped his hands around her slim waist,
as they walked in Bella could see the party
already began. .
“, Hello handsome brother ” a lady about 20
came kissing knights cheek , Bella knew then
that it must be Alli.
“Alli happy birthday ” he said giving her a
wrapped gift from his pocket, Alli smiled and
collected it .
” Thank you Knight” she said as they both
” I want you to meet Bella, Bella Alli” knight
” Oh, I thought as much , she looks more
Beautiful than mom described” Alli said pulling
Bella into a bowl crushing hug kissing her both
cheek .
“, Am Aliyah but you can call me Alli just like my
brother called ” Alli said smiling .
“, Your name is beautiful and same to your
beautiful face “, Bella said and Alli grabbed
Bella’s hand .
“, Knight she needs to meet dad ” Alli said
without waiting for Knights reply drag Bella to
meet Mr Houston., Knight Smirked and followed
them behind.
Bella watched as Alli drag her to where Knights
mother floren was and a man probably her
” Oh honey Bella is here ” floren said happily,
hugging Bella once Jacob , knights father saw
Bella he smiled .
” Oh you look so beautiful my dear Bella ” he
said .
Bella smiled .
” Thanks Mr Houston”, Bella replied.
” Oh enough of the formality, just call me
Jacob,mr Houston makes me look old” he said
and they chuckled.
” Hello sweet sister in-law”
Bella turned to see Dustin Aaron and luck
smirking, knight gave them a killer look as they
They all hug Bella one after the other, and she
was very glad the family liked her .
” My dear , you look more beautiful than my wife
described”, Jacob said earning a glare from
floren as they chuckled.
“, So what your trying to say is I didn’t describe
her well? Floren pout like a kid and Jacob pulled
her closer .
“, Oh sweetheart of course you did”, he kissed
her lips lightly.
“, Awwwn dad please” they all said together
making Jacob and floren chuckled.
” Alright time to start the birthday” Dustin
announced and the rest of his brother followed.
Soon they started singing HAPPY to you for Alli,
so many people brought her gifts, and she was
so happy, Bella felt bad that she didn’t give Alli
anything but she doesn’t seem to mind .
Later everyone started dancing and Knight
couldn’t stop looking at Bella as she was
standing talking with his sister and mother and
she was smiling , her back was turned to him
and he could see her Long sexy legs , damn he
suddenly got hard .
As he drank his wine his eyes didn’t leave Bella
she seems to be enjoying herself, hmm, it also
seems his family liked her alot , Knight couldn’t
stop staring at her .
He got distracted by a man who started talking
to him, it’s his father’s business associates, so
his father too joined them and they talk more ,
Jacob and Knight went to greet some of the
associates that came , and Jacob introduced him
to some of his clients, when Knight turned he
saw Bella and a guy talking .
And a deep frown came upon his face , he
became so furious, because she was enjoying
the guys presence, he took excuse and went
over to Bella and the guy .
” Mind if I take my lady ? Knight asked and the
guy smiled and left .
” Knight, are you okay ? Bella asked as she saw
the look of anger in Knights eyes, he didn’t say
anything but pulled her, she was asking where he
was taking her to but knight wasn’t saying
He opened a door and they both walked in , he
locked the door and Bella became scared she
tries to talk but knight pulled her to him and
crushed his lips with hers .
” I’ve been having a hell of hard on since I saw
you in this dress Bella, why is your body so
fuckin tempting,? He asked huskily and kissed
her neck , Bella moaned .
Knight kissed her hard and took her to the sink
his hand going under her dress, as he kissed her
his hands went into her pant putting his finger
into her and she moaned, after a while of
pleasure he turned Bella around so her back will
be facing him , he raised her gown up and made
her put her hands on the sink for support, he
unbuckled his belt and pulled his trouser below
and moved her panties aside , he hugged her to
him as Bella’s breathing became intense, and
she stare at Knight threw the mirror .
“Hold on tight okay ” he whispered and Bella only
nodded as she felt him enter her from behind,
she gasped, Knight began moving in and out and
she was gasping, as they both looked at them
selves in the mirror, her mouth open as Knight
moves inside of her , her moaning filled the
washroom and once increased his tempo, she
grip the sink hard and bite her lower lip, trying
not to scream.
Once knight was through, he was still inside her
and he pulled her head back to kiss her lips
which she responded to quickly, he pulled out of
her and started buckling his belt back , Bella
really didn’t like it to think Knight just had sex
with her in his family washroom, but she said
She arranged herself and Knight pulled her to
him kissing her deeply again before they left the
Bella directly went to talk to floren who told her
she’s been looking for her, once her eyes meet
knight he will look at her sexily and she will blush
Finally they left home but knight told her he
needed to go somewhere but will be back soon ,
Bella nodded and went into the mansion, now is
her opportunity.
She gently walked to the green door , her chest
beating widly, she looked around if anyone could
see her, she shook the handle but it wasn’t
opening, damn it’s locked she has to find a way
to unlock the door , she quickly went into the
kitchen and found a nail , no it won’t be able to
open it she thought and her eyes came across a
little metal she took it and rushed back to the
door, as she tries it on it she was looking around
so no one should see her, not like anyone will ,
grace doesn’t live here she goes and comes and
his guards stay at the headquarters, she just felt
like to look in case.
She kept trying to open the door but it wasn’t ,
she was about to give up when the lock twisted,
she gasped, that means it has opened.
She gently pulled it open and walked in with
gently steps, her heartbeat increasing as the
time passes , the room was dark how will she
see the switch? She thought and then she
started touching the wall her hand mistakenly
touched something and the lights came on and
she gasped in fear as she looked up , She looked
away and her breath caught in her throat when
she saw different paintings on the wall , the
stand board, the whole room is covered with
drawings, and all has a woman on it, the same
woman, Bella gasped and moved closer to see
She saw that in the drawing, the woman wasn’t
happy, beside the other one was the same
woman in tears , she looked another one and in
that one she held her wrist and blood was pulling
down as tears was in her eyes, then her eyes
moved to another picture, it was of a little boy
who’s hands were tied and he was crying, tears
fell from Bella’s eyes , in another drawing was of
a man strangling the same woman and the boy
was crying, she couldn’t understand what she
was seeing, but it looks so horrible., Another
drawing was of thesame woman laying covered
with blood and the little boy crying beside the
woman,bella silently shared tears .
She tries to see if she could find another picture,
and she saw where the woman was holding the
boy hugging him as they both were crying.
Bella’s lips began to tremble, why does this
drawing look so sad? The woman in the drawing
wasn’t happy at all, and the little boy too what is
this picture all about?
She saw a stand that a cloth is covering so she
walked closer to it to check what was in it and
just as she was to pull the clothe ….
Bella quickly turned around to see Knight
standing looking at her with so much anger in his
eyes , his jaw clenched and he was breathing so
hard, fear grip Bella as her eyes widen .
That moment she knew she had crossed a line .

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