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10days with Bella. Episode 13

Episode 13

__________________ Day 8 ( What??)
“So that’s all” Bella told floren who they both sat
together at the restaurant, she had told Bella
they should meet and discuss after Bella told her
everything she felt bad, she took in a deep
“Thank you” she took in another deep breath”
you know, since we found knight , he was a kid
with a dark heart ” she shook her head as she
thought of something ” he doesn’t play with kids
his age , he hardly moves from one spot , he
prefers staying all by himself, we tried bella
despite he couldn’t talk we still tried” floren wipe
her tears as Bella felt pity too, but she blinked
back her tears .
“He was a really sad boy , he suffered, how can a
father treat a son that way, he was just a little
boy how could he make him see such a
disgusting act , it pained me, it pained” she cried
as Bella quickly moved to hug her .
“It’s okay , everything will be fine , i will make
sure to help Knight put that man into bars, he
has hurt so many people, he has to pay ” Bella
said hugging floren .
“Yes…your right , he needs to suffer , he deserve
to die , his a cruel man. , The wage of his sins is
death , I keep praying he rots in hell ” floren said
wiping her tears , Bella sat down as they looked
at each other .
“Isabella, your truly a blessing to my son, his
really opened up to you, we really tried, but
nothing happened but you , you did it so easily ,
thank you so much , I can’t thank you enough”
she said taking Bella’s hand .
“It’s okay, I did nothing at all it was just his
mood and maybe luck ” Bella replied Making her
“Indeed it is ” they both laughed ” oh Bella there
are some things I’d want you to have , I will send
them over to knights house later today or maybe
tomorrow” she said making Bella smile, she
nodded , floren phone started ringing as she
fetched it out of her handbag.
“My husband is calling” she said smiling at Bella
who smiled back ” hello honey , oh! …of course,
am on my way , ah….that’s good news …just tell
them to hold on, I will be fast ….of course,
…ah…I love you too ” she hanged up .
Bella could see how much they love each other .
“Bella dear , my husband just said we have some
business associates in the house , I need to
catch up ” she said.
“Of course” Bella stood up with her.
“Am so sorry I can’t drive you back ” she
“It’s okay , I will go ” Bella said smiling floren
kissed her cheek and left, bella went home
Knight sat in the restaurant with Ragina Hanged,
Mr Welters mistress , the woman sure looked a
bit okay not really artificial,he had set up a
meeting with her and it’s really important since
Knight had already spoken to welter whom was
so angry that he has evidence that could put him
into life in imprisonment, Ragina tapped her long
nails on the table as Knight pulled out a papar
for her , his brothers sat beside him.
” How am I supposed to trust you guys that I
won’t get involved in this case? Ragina asked
looking at them suspiciously.
” You won’t get involved if you tell us what we
need to hear” Knight said trying to control his
Ragina picked up the papers and read all the
illegal activities they got about welter , she
looked at them and crossed her fingers after
dropping the paper’s.
” I have one request” she said .
Knight and his brothers looked at each other
then back to her
” Spill it out ” Dustin said with a cold eyes .
Ragina released her crossed hand and leans
forward on the table.
” I don’t want him to know I sold this information
to you people, I also want him dead, so we all
have to work together, I am not on his side and
believe me I hate that old beast for crushing his
way into my young heart, it’s so unfortunate that
he happens to be your father , I must say his a
gross man ” Ragina said and Knight try to keep
his boiling heart.
” Ragina , I really don’t know your relationship
with him, just give us some more information, to
get him down, if it’s money we will pay you as
much as you want ” Aaron said in a hard tone.
“, Do you think I need your fuckin dick of a
money? Ragina yelled banging her fist on the
table making them to wonder why shes acting
” Am only doing this for my own benefit and it’s
just so good you guys want cooperation, I will
help you guys out , and we can end him up, he
also made my life a living hell do you think I’d let
him go ” Ragina asked scoffing.
” You don’t seems like your sad, you look happy
as fuck with him in the function ” luke said
” Just Because I was too clingy towards him
doesn’t mean I don’t want the bastard gone
ASAP”, she said glaring at them.
“, I know all the information about your mother
Knight,” knights eyes widen .
” What do you mean ? They all asked .
” I saw all that happened that day , I’ve been
looking for a way to get welter down , so that
day he killed your mom i was right below the
stairs videoing everything that took place” she
said and Knight and the rest looked shocked .
” I made sure to keep does recordings very intact
, so I had a countdown with his body guard Tony
to find the room you were locked in and to
release you , so there for I have all necessary
information’s about your heck of a father “,
Ragina said with a smirk plastered on her face .
Knight and his brothers looked beyond shock as
they looked at Ragina .
” So you knew all along? Knight asked .
More stories @
” Do you think i don’t ? Welter killed my fiance in
other to have me , all I could do is let the
bastard rot himself, so I angrily Choose to be his
mistress to lay my hands on his wealth and to
destroy him, now that the opportunity is right
before my eyes, you guys should be grateful you
didn’t meet with his other mistresses” she said .
” So your going to help us ? Knight asked .
” Of course i will, but recently welter has been
targeting your girlfriend Knight”, Ragina said their
eyes widen .
” I don’t have a girlfriend, ? He asked .
“, really, because I think you do , what of the one
named Bella i guess, he is planning something
terrible but don’t worry he shares everything with
me and I will make sure to let you guys know
asap”, she said with a smile .
Knights chest began to beat so fast thinking
about Bella being involved in the whole mess, he
can’t let welter over step him .it’s a good thing
they contacted Ragina , at least she’s on their
side now .
Bella knew Helping Knight was the best way ,him
and his brothers has been working since
yesterday trying to get welter out and fuck it’s
left only two days to complete her 10 days , but
she has to help Knight out, she stayed home all
through feeling so board after she left Floren,
she’s been reading and she’s tied.and Knight had
gone to make a deal with his father’s mistress,
right now she’s Waiting to hear if they got her to
open some things to them
Grace was in the kitchen writing some things on
a paper when she met her
” Grace , what are you doing? Bella asked .
” Oh , am writing some food items down, Mr
Knight gave me some money to get them ” she
Well she could follow her since she’s feeling
” Let me go with you ” she said and grace didn’t
like the idea .
” But …
” Please grace , am feeling so board staying all
alone in this house , I really want to go out ”
Bella said grace smiled and nodded.
Soon they took a cab to the supermarket, and
grace got everything she needed, they walked
out about to stop a cab when grace quickly told
her she forgot one item , she told Bella to wait
while she get it quickly.
Bella Nodded and grace left , Bella stood along
the side way Infront of the supermarket waiting
for grace , when all of a sudden a black car
pulled Infront of her almost making her fall , two
huge guys came out and grabbed her at once ,
she kicked and screamed for them to leave her ,
at this time grace was already coming out when
she saw two men dragging Bella into the car ,
she screamed for them to stop but she was short
on the arm and she fell down as she watched
the car zoomed off .
Fear grip her as she find a means to contact her
boss immediately, all she knows is does men just
kidnapped Bella .
Once grace got home she told josh about it and
josh quickly called Knight.
” Hello boss ” he said .
” What happened josh ? Knight asked .
” Bella just got kidnapped and grace got short ”
josh said panicking.
” What ??? Knight yelled ” how the fuck did that
happen where are you now , were the hell is
grace ? Knight asked .
” She’s right here sir we both are home ” josh
” Am on my way , take her to the hospital”
Knight bursted on the phone and hanged up.
No , not Bella who the hell did this ? Fear grip
him , he has to save Bella.

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