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10days With Bella. Episode 16.

Episode 16

__________________ day 9/ 10 (Fun,Sex, Goodbye)
After Bella and I Knight got back home, Knight explained everything to his family about what Really happened, Jacob was so angry that Knight didn't tell him on time if not he would have delt with welter himself .
The following day Knight decided to take Bella out , right now they are seated having lunch and he couldn't stop staring at her .
" Eyes up here Mr" Bella said to Knight who smiled , Bella has been trying to act cool since Because tomorrow she will be gone, the painful part is she's in love with Knight, but he isn't showing if he feels the same for her she was so broken.
" I can't help but stare, your really beautiful Bella" he said and she blushed.
" I want us to go out and have some fun, since tomorrow you will be gone " Knight said ands Bella chest felt hurt , he said it as if he doesn't feel a thing for her,she couldn't help but blink back her tears .
" I would love that " she said .
Knight smiled.
They left and Knight took her to the Art gallery, she was so happy Knights arms wrapped around her , sometimes when she's busy playing with the animals In the water he will snap her .
He later took her to the funfair, where Bella enjoyed herself smiling all through,at least it helped her to forget her hurting heart a bit .
They also went to the park where they played and sketch together , him holding her hand as they turned around , being her first time she kept screaming.
" Let's go for a horse ride" she said and they went for horse riding, she was so happy and Knight couldn't help but enjoy his self with her , after riding horses , he took her to the rollercoaster, and they got into the ride, since it was her first time knight held her hand as she kept screaming happily with the other people.
He kissed her lips and she wrapped her hands around him hugging him, she will really miss him, thinking about going is killing her slowly, shes deeply In love with him and it's hurting her .He took her and they bought some ice cream,
When they arrived home , Knight didn't waste time picking Bella up to the room, they kissed each other like wild cat's and Bella kept moaning as Knights hands were all over her body .
He kissed every part of her body and she kept moaning, soon their clothes were discarded, Bella wrapped her legs around Knights torso , as he did wide things to her body , there was something different in the way Knight was touching her , only if he felt the same for her, this sex they are about to have now will be the only memory she will have off him, and she doesn't know if another man will make her feel the same way as Knight.
Once knight entered her, she gasped trying her possible best not to cry ,he made love to her all night and Bella couldn't resist his hands .
When morinng came Bella woke up but didn't see Knight, she has to get ready to go, her tears were already spilling out, she's leaving, she got up and went into the bathroom, she stood there Just letting the water drip over her body , she couldn't stop thinking if it was really the end for them , and Knight not caring at all, she felt tears but the water dripping on her was washing it away , she sobbed silently .
She felt someone touched her and she knew that moment it was Knight, his hands went to her breast caressing it and she moaned , Knight started kissing her neck and he turned her to face him, he was also naked.
He stare at Bella's eyes and his heart was breaking too, she was leaving today , but he couldn't stand it , he doesn't know what he feels for bella and that was the truth, his still confused.
He kissed her deeply and she responded, wrapping her hands around his neck as he picked her up and placed her on the bathroom wall, she held him tight as he entered her .
At first he was gentle but his thrust became harder and faster than before, Bella moaned loudly through out the bathroom, Knight kissed her hard but never stopped thrusting into her .
When he finally stopped.
He kissed her hard and dropped her to her feet .they bath together and left the bathroom, Knight went downstairs leaving Bella , she was acting strange and he doesn't know why.
He doesn't know what he feels for her , but neither could he keep her , they already made the agreement, she has to go its best, and he knows she could never love someone like him, he was so cold towards her and treated her badly, she doesn't deserve someone like him, niether could he keep her and keep having sex with her, he feels Terrible for making feel like a slut , Bella needs someone better not someone like him, it's best she goes.
Bella got dress and took her bag downstairs, Knight sat on the wine bar as he saw her with her bag, she gently dropped it and walked towards him.
" Am set to go" she said and he nodded .
" Um, I already payed the money into your account, and josh will drive you to the new house you will be staying with your parents " he said Bella looked up at him .
" We didn't agree on you buying me a house" Bella said .
" I know, I just wanted it to be a thank you for helping me"he said and she nodded .
They were quite for a while .
"Umm, you know after this we won't contact each other right? He asked and she nodded, it was part of the contract she signed that after the last day, they ain't communicating again niether to see each other .
"Yes " she answered, trying to keep her shaking she smiled at Knight.
They were quite again as Knight and her were looking at each other , Knight was having the urge to grab her and kiss her and tell her not to go , but the eyes Bella was giving him looks like she doesn't want to stay anymore, because she was smiling, and he felt bad , he can't keep her , it's best she goes and have her freedom.
" Josh will drive you there " he said and Bella nodded , she turned walked back to her bag and carried it , she started walking out when Knight stopped her.
" Bella " she turned to look him.
" Thank you " he said and she forced a smile .
" Goodbye Knight" she said trying to keep her tears .
She walked out of his mansion and josh helped her with her bag .

As she sat in the car , she couldn't help but cry , josh kept hearing her sniffing.
" Your inlove with him Ain't you ? He asked Bella who cleaned her tears .
" I never thought I will, but now it's me who's hurting" she responded.
" Why didn't you tell him " he asked .
" What's the use of telling him when he doesn't even want me " she said .
" It's best that I will have to start my life again" she added and josh nodded understanding her pain .
She closed her eyes and leaned back on the seat as her tears flow freely down her cheek .as she thought about her grandma and brother sam .
Grandmother, Samuel, am coming back home .
Knight sat down thinking about Bella , was it really the best thing to do , leaving her to go ? But his to cold too her, he doesn't deserve her, she needs someone better .
Just then his phone rang and it was Dustin .
" Hello ", Knight said .
" Hay bro, Ragina wants to see us particularly you , she said it's important" Dustin said and Knight looked confused.
" Then why didn't she call me directly? Knight asked .
" I don't know, she said we should meet her at the airport ASAP" Dustin said and Knight was more than worried.
" Ok am on my way , let's meet up " he said and hanged up.
What does Ragina want, and why airport, what is going on ? He couldn't help but ask.

What do you think?

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