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10days with Bella. Episode 17.

Episode 17
______________ ( Memories)

Once Bella arrived at her home, she bide Goodbye to josh and watched as he drove away, so this is it, She's back home, she signed and walked to the door, she knocked and the door opened it was her grandmother Susan, the moment she saw Bella she was so happy, Bella was shocked to see her grandmother very healthy and looking smooth, she was confused.
" Oh my Isabella your back ,how are you doing, come inside " Susan pulled her inside and she's still shocked.
" Grandma, are you okay ? Bella asked ,Susan smiled as they both sat down
", Of course my dear, am very healthy, am well now" she said happily.
Bella was still confused, how is that possible.
" But grandmother you were sick " Bella said .
" Yes, but sam brought a friend of his who paid for my treatment, his really a kind guy, he even paid for Sam's graduation fees " Susan said making Bella to gasp.
", What...someone paid ? But who ,what did he saw his name was ? Bella asked totally lost .
" It's sam who knows his name, but he told us his a friend to you " Susan said with a smile and Bella frowned.
" Friend ? She whispered and that moment her mind hit her hard , did he ...what the hell this must be a joke .
Knight and his brothers arrived quickly at the airport, once their eyes caught Ragina , she was seated with her airport bag standing beside her, when she turned and saw Knight she smiled and got up as they met her .
" It's a good thing you came , I have less minute to go " she said Knight looked from her airport bag to her .
" Why did you ask me to come here, and where are you going? Knight asked confused.
" I just needed to pass a message to you before I go, and I know how important it is for you to see your mother " she said and Knights eyes widen, infact they all looked shocked.
" My mother ? Knight asked and Ragina nodded.
" She gave me a message to you " Ragina said and opened her purse then brought out a pendent .
" She gave me this before she died, she asked me to find you and give it to you, it's a special pendent from her mother's mother , and she wants you to give it to the woman you love " she said as Knight collected it .
" Also have this card , I need you to check this location, that's where shes buried , she said you should visit her someday " Ragina said and Knight looked so confused.
" But, my mom died instantly when welter killed her " Knight said " how is it possible she was alive till she spoke to you ? Knight asked .
" Am your mother bestfriend Knight, and yes she actually was dead but not fully, welter made a mistake that night thinking she died instantly, but after he took her to dump her body I went along, Tony drove me there so we took her to the hospital, unfortunately she only gave me this pendant and asked me to tell you to visit her , I know how much you've been dying to know were she's kept , now it's the best time to go and see your mother " Ragina said smiling.
Knight couldn't hell but let a tear drop.
" Thank you so much " he told her Ragina patted his back .
" Your mom once saved myself, the list I could do is help her son , after so much living in this country , I want to go back to Mumbai, just said I should hand this to you " Ragina said Knight nodded .
The plan announcement was made .
", I have to go" she told Knight.
" Will I see you again , I want to pay you fir helping me get the chance to see my mother again " Knight said .
" Am sorry Knight, but I don't think we will see soon, if there's anybody who need payback for good deeds , it's Isabella, that girl is very nice and loves you so much , make sure you take care of her" Ragina said and patted Knights cheek who looked confused.
Ragina took her airport bag and blew them a kiss before she got into the plane , Knight stood quietly staring blankly at nothing.
" Dude, what's wrong ? Dustin asked .
" By the way , where is Bella ? Aaron asked .
Knight didn't answer , they looked at each other and their eyes widen.
" You let her go ??? Luke bursted.
" How could you knight, you love that girl for crying out loud "Dustin said .
", Guys please, I want to be alone am not sure of how I feel about her, I need some space to think this through" he said and looked at the pendent.
" I just hope by the time you realize your feelings for her it's not too late " Aaron said and that got him real hard .
Knight wasted no time in going to his mother's grave, where her name is boldly written on it , he cried out his heart after placing flowers on it, it just seem as if it's now his mother died, for the next 2 weeks he kept going there to visit his mother and he told her alot about Bella , yes it's already two weeks and they haven't seen each other , he really missed her anywhere he entered in his house was Bella's memory's, the painting room where he had made love to her, the dinning table, his bedroom, the bathroom, even when he visited his parents house he remembered their love making in the washroom, he couldn't stop thinking about her he tried to go onto another girl but he ended up pushing them away , and then he realized his inlove with her, his madly in love with bella ,his going to get his girl back , he just hope his not late yet.
Bella and her family moved into the house Knight bought for them, Bella couldn't help but keep crying all night for the past two weeks remembering everything that has happened between her and Knight , recently she has been feeling sick trowing up all the time , she kept vomiting all the food she ate , her grandmother has asked her to see the doctor,.but she kept rejecting she said it's normal sickness .
She was in the kitchen one day discussing with her grandmother when she suddenly felt dizzy and her eyes became blur and she fainted , sam and Susan rushed her to the hospital and they got the greatest news of their lives
When Bella's eyes opened , she saw her mother and brother looking at her .
" Mother , sam , what's wrong? She asked , what did the doctor said ? She asked .
" Bella , are you in a relationship with anyone? Susan suddenly asked making her Confused, she shook her head saying no .
", Why such question mother, you know I will tell you if am in a relationship with anyone" Bella said Susan took a deep breath and held her daughter's hand.
" Honey , the doctor said your 2 weeks pregnant" Susan said and Bella gasped.
Her hand went to her stomach as a tear slide down her cheek .
" Knight"
She whispered.
Almost there .

1 comment:

FreedyGist blog said...

I love this one ๐Ÿ˜