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10days with Bella. Episode 3.

Episode 3

 (You disgust me)

_______________________Day 1
Arranging her cloths in her tiny bag
was really hard
for Bella, very soon josh will arrive to
pick her, only
if she has a way to stop this drama,
how can her
life just turn around in just days of
meeting that
beast ? She couldn’t come tell her
brother the nasty
job she was going to do. Of course it
was fealty
and she can’t let her brother know she
will be
Houston Knights whore for 10 days, so
she found a
suitable lie and told sam she will see
him some
time since her job they will pay well,
she had
refused to tell him who she’s working
for or where
or the kind of job she was going to do.
Sam knew he wouldn’t be able to
bring out word
from his sister but just nodded and
watched as the
car came to pick her.
Bella had never felt this bad in her
entire life as she
sat at the back of the B.M.W, she
looked out the
window, still thinking how she will
turn out to be a
whore in 10 days, her tears flow freely
and she
wiped it with shaking hands, one thing
was for sure,
She’s doing this because of her
grandmother and
Not realizing when the car came to am
halt, josh
opened the door for her and with
shaking legs came
out , and she came face to face with
paradise, she
couldn’t help the *wow* that left her
mouth , josh
chuckled and helped her with her bag ,
the out layer
of the frontage is indeed beautiful,
never had she
come across such gorgeous mansion in
the whole
of her life.
“I can see you indeed like the house ”
josh said
looking at Bella who looked at him .
“It’s beautiful, but I guess people live
here too” she
said .
Josh chuckled.
“Nah….no one except boss and the
including me as the driver” josh said as
they went
Infront of the house door, he pushed it
open and
gestured for bella to go in first , she
memorised at what she saw, she
thought the
outside was more beautiful, but damn
the inside is
one in a million gorgeous, how can a
living room
could be so large , josh seeing how she
gawking at the room let out a
“Can you still breath ? Josh asked .
Bella didn’t know what to say but stare
at josh
quietly , she couldn’t believe this
house belongs to
one person.
“I will take it that you can’t” josh
replied to his
question,bella chuckled, she kind of
found josh
“I really can’t believe knight stays here
all alone ”
she said .
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“Well he does, but of course that
includes us, their
about 10 body guards at this building,
wait till you
see his other mansion, you might have
to crawl
with your tongue” josh said .
“I find that disgusting” she replied
looking over the
place, but she wonders why thiers no
pictures of
him at all.
“What of his families? She asked.
“Am not in the right place to tell you
ms Kinston, I
will just take your bag to the room and
of course
grace had made a meal before she left
” josh said .
“Who is grace? She asked .
“The house help, she goes and come ,
she doesn’t
live here, at least that’s want boss
wants, the rest
of us are living in the head quarters,
the maids just
clean and go ” josh replied.
Bella couldn’t understand why Knight
don’t keep
anyone with him, why would only him
live in such a
big house doesn’t he get bord or
“I really can’t believe your boss will
live all by
himself in this large building, doesn’t
he get bord ?
Bella asked.
“He hardly gets bored, because he
normally spends
his time in his hotel suite, but am just
surprised he
ask me to drive you here, and he asked
me to put
your bag in his room which am still
surprised” josh
answered looking at Bella who didn’t
know what to
Maybe he doesn’t even know why
Knight had
brought her here to stay , only if he
knew why , he
will understand, being his boss whore
for 10 days
he will be disgusted by her.
“Please ms Kinston just make yourself
I will go drop this , you can go to the
kitchen, you
can heat up the meal and eat ” he said
turning to
go Bella quickly stopped him.
,” What?, I can’t go there, he will get
mad” Bella
said .
“Ms Kinston, I don’t think so, because
that was his
oder which am still surprised” josh said
and left
Bella standing their with her mouth
wide open,
she’s seriously confused,why would he
let a
stranger into his kitchen?
Some Few minutes later Bella was
already eating
the sweet homemade when she felt
someone behind
her, turning she saw josh.
“Oh my gosh you scared me” she said
“Am sorry , I was just checking up on
you , I’d like
you to relax boss will soon be back ”
he said .
“Where has he been since I came ?
Bella asked .
“Business meeting at his company, but
he will be
back soon, so enjoy while it last ” he
said Bella
didn’t understand why he said that her
heart beat
increased does that mean josh knows
and her main reason for staying here ,
she wanted
to ask but he already left .
Josh took her round the building later
telling her it
was his boss instructions, she got to
see how
beautiful the building was from the
inside to the
outside, she even got to see the pool,
which she
already want to jump inside , but she
didn’t bring
her bathing suit .
Later she sat down in the living, she
wonders why
Knight hasn’t returned, but her thought
got Indy
when the door opened and he walked
in , she
looked up at him and quickly got up,
damn she
couldn’t stop staring at his perfectly
male body ,
and she knew inside that shirt of his is
a man with
great abs and six pack.
Knight couldn’t help but stare at her as
she stood
looking so beautiful in his eyes, he
took gently
steps towards her, he would had been
back since
but his business was indeed important
so he had
to finish up .
Bella’s heart was Beating so fast as
Knight drew
closer to her, once he was in her front ,
he leaned
over to her ear and whispered.
“Why aint you naked ?
Bella felt disgusted, she gasped and
pushed him
from her as her eyes blaze at him with
“You disgust me” she said .
Knight smirked and sat on the couch
watching Bella
giving him that death look , their was
different about her he just couldn’t
place his fingers
on, but he knew Bella belongs to him
for 10days so
let it begin.
“Take of your pant ” he ordered.
Bella couldn’t believe he would ask
her to do it
“Why are you so evil ? She asked ,
Knight raised an
eyebrow at her .
“Do what I asked you to do , take it off”
he ordered
with a hard voce , with shaking hands
and disgrace
mode she slipped her pant down ,
looking at him all
through as his eyes followed her every
“Hand it over” he said , Bella knew it
was stupid
mending words with him so she threw
it at him, not
wanting to go close to him , Knight
caught it in his
hand and smirked.
“Pink , I love it” he said , he smelled it,
and Bella’s
cheek became so red.
“Now strip ” he said .
Bella was taking aback , did he just tell
her to
strip ?.
“What ? She asked .
” Rule number 6 , no complaining, strip
now” be
Bella’s eyes was wide open as she and
Knight stare
at each other .

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