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10days with Bella. Episode 5

Chapter 5

_______________________.DAY 2 ( Rule Number 7)

The sunlight spread into the room and against
Bella’s face as she slowly opened her eyes but
to be blinded by the sun again ,she closed her
eyes and re_adjusted to the light pairing into the
room, she discovered she was in a black room ,
ok now the walls is black but a little touch of
white , you hardly could notice, she sat up on the
bed and try to remember last-night, then it all
dawned on her, she’s in Houston’s house and this
is the bed she lost her virginity, tears refused to
pull out, but her eyes were already getting red
and painful, she slowly placed her feet onto the
floor, she glanced at the room , how can
someone paint his room this colour, is he a
devils son? Bella questioned herself.
Since she was still naked she wrapped the shits
around her body and stood up, their she saw her
blood,she couldn’t help the tears that came
jumping out, she thought the man she would love
and marry will take it, but then a stranger from
no where just took it, how can he be so crawl,
blackmailing her for just a mistake, okey maybe
it wasn’t a mistake, if she had known this was
her faith she wouldn’t had done it she would had
pleaded for him to move the car , but the bloody
bastard wouldn’t.
She turned and went into the bathroom, she
gasped , ok now now Bella this doesn’t look like
a bathroom at all, she thought, what the hell , it
was glass make and when stepping in once you
look to the floor it’s a water leak, hr Cant’s
possibly pour water on the floor as big as this ,
and it seems like it’s moving, fear grip, Knight
want to kill her so she can fall into the water ,
she didn’t know when she screamed.
Knight and josh were talking beside his home
office when they heard Bella’s scream .
“I will check on that , you carry on” knight told
josh who nodded and left knight hurried up the
stairs taking two at a time, why was she
screaming once he reached the bedroom and
heard another scream from the bathroom he
burst it open but heard a loud cry as he saw
Bella on the floor on her stomach, he was
“Bella was right at the door when Knight burst it
open and she fell due to the force he pushed it
with, that was when she realized there was no
water on the floor but how come , she let out a
cry .
“You son of a bitch, how dare you push me ? She
“Oh my God! Ella am sorry ”
Knight rushed to her and bend to help her up.
“You try to kill me,how can you make a River in
your bathroom, you wanted me to die isn’t it ?,
She yelled Knight didn’t know what to do or say
cause he was confused to why she will say such
a thing.
“Ella common let me help you to the tub” he said
pulling her over there.
“How can you make river in your bathroom, what
a man would do that ? She cried , Knight
couldn’t help but laugh that was when it dawned
on him she thought it was a water not knowing
it’s a water floor , he laughed harder , Bella
wondered why he was laughing.
“What’s funny? She eyed him , this time around
she was in the tub already and Knight on the
water pip,he bend to remove the bed shit from
her body but she stopped him.
“What are you planning on doing?she questioned.
“,Am helping you get this off” he replied.
“Am sure you know I can do that myself” she
hissed at him.
Knight got up, the smile still on his face , she
looks so cute, and his already feeling hard down
there, damn he hardly gets hard, but since he
saw Bella his body had been having some weird
“Well get out ” Bella yelled and Knight left before
he takes her in the tub again, she’s angry so he
will give her space but not long he has to satisfy
his sexual desire, and that’s why his paying her
to stay here with him .
Bella closed her eyes and relax in the tub, it’s
feels so good, Knight had bought women
toiletries in the bathroom
After dressing up wearing a light black gown
there was a knock on the door and Bella said
come in when a lady walked in.
” Mr Knight asked you come down ” she said to
Bella who nodded and the lady left .
She got dress and went down stairs seeing so
many food on the dinning table , she wonders if
there was a fest.
Sitting across from him she tried her possible
best to avoid his eyes just as it penetrates hers .
” Well let’s eat” Knight said as Bella completely
ignored him and took her cutleries and started
digging into her meal, oh it taste so nice, it’s
been long since she ever taste such delicious
meal , Knight watched her with amazement
forgetting he has to eat his meal too, her beauty
was intoxicating him, never had he really admire
a woman such as Bella .
Bella felt his gaze on her and shift uncomfortable
on her chair raising her sparkle eyes looked up
at Knight who’s eyes were digging hole into her
chest .
” Eyes up here Mr, don’t you think your over
staring? Bella asked feeling disgusted by the
look of lust in his eyes it was clear that he was
licking his lower lips looking at her breast , beast
” Why, you don’t feel comfortable or no man has
looked at you like that before? He questioned
Making his voice like an object of insult Bella
looked at him .
” No,men do look infact they drool alot Mr
Houston, but don’t you think yours is a little
disgusting? Bella remarked and Knight eyebrow
raised in an amusing one he smirked.
” I like it that your feisty, but then last-night i
discovered you’ve never been touched, how
about you share a little story with me ? He
Bella knew he was trying to get into her private
life, and that she doesn’t want .
” If you don’t mind Mr Houston, I’d like it if you
don’t poke your nose in business” she said .
Knight was getting irritated by her way of
” Rule number 7, stop being rude ” he reminded
her and Bella kept quiet wishing she could rip his
neck off .
” How come you never had a man in your life Ms
kinston ? Knight asked and Bella couldn’t help
but loss her appetite since he was trying to get
into her private life .
” You don’t expect me to discuss my private life
with you Mr Houston, I suggest you drop it ” she
said angrily.
Knight studied her for a while his hand on his
jaw as he stare at her , but he wasn’t going to
drop it .
” How can a 24 year old beautiful lady like you
still be a virgin?sorry but am kinda of scared, is
it that you chased men away or you have some
personal problems that chased them away from
coming unto you ? He asked .
Bella was already pissed of she got up from the
chair and shouted at him.
“How the hell do you know my age, cause I
remember I didn’t tell you ?she yelled surprised.
” Don’t you think I have my way ? He asked
She was very angry now.
” You keep your self out of my business Mr
Houston, and if your trying to say I have a
problem then your wrong cause your the one
who has the problem paying a woman to have
sex with you for 10 days is disgusting, what
selfish Bastard are you that you don’t even feel
for someone , or care about their own feelings,all
you think about is your money and your stupid
fame , your so rude and disgusting and I wished I
never came across you In the first place, you
self centered beast” Bella yelled and try to walk
away but not so fast Knight grabbed her .
And it all happened at once he send all the food
on the dinning table crashing and breaking to the
floor and placed her on it ,stood between her
legs and tore her cloth Bella gasped , Knight was
so angry for the way she spoke to him.
” This is your punishment for having a sharp
tongue” he whispered huskily in her ear making
her shive, his hand went under her gown and
tore her pant he grabbed her face and crushed
his lips with hers all Bella’s plea went to deaf
ear as Knight was consumed with what he
He unbuckled his trouser and at once entered
her Bella gasped as he began moving in and out
of her, his lips kissing her neck biting it lightly
Making her moan , the feeling was good and she
doesn’t know why she liked it .
Knight began to thrust harder, deeper harder and
faster than before, Bella grip the table tightly as
Knights thrust became so much faster the whole
table was shaking and their moans was so loud
that she’s sure the house girl must I’ve Heard it
or people from outside.
When Knight finally stopped he kissed her long
and hard on the lips before pulling his shaft from
inside her , he started putting back his trouser as
sweat covered all his body Bella felt disgusted
with her self as she tries to get down from the
table but her legs grew weak.
” That was really amazing” Knight said pulling
her to kiss her again but Bella pushed him and
ran up the stairs to the room, Knight suddenly
felt like he might have hurt her .
He went to the wine bar and took a bottle of
whiskey he needs to cool down his brain , she’s
only doing her job his going to pay her, no need
to feel bad .

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