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๐Ÿ˜Korean Crazy Girl ๐Ÿ˜˜. Episode 2

๐Ÿ˜Korean Crazy Girl ๐Ÿ˜˜
๐Ÿ˜‹[Ah! She Is Crazy]๐Ÿ˜‹

    ๐Ÿ–‹Story By Faith๐Ÿ–‹

     ๐Ÿ™ˆEpisode two[2]๐Ÿ™ˆ

     ~JIN AH~

I quickly stood up from the girl as I saw the policemen approaching us . I must not go to jail in this my situation,I ran as fast as my leg could carry me . "stop!" The policemen kept yelling , I ran faster instead.  My grandmother will kill me if I get in trouble again

As I ran across the street again I saw a beautiful jeep , I looked back at the police men then the car. "Here goes nothing " I muttered then quickly entered the car.

"Welcome! How was your trip ma'am  Sia" the driver said not even looking at my face , he can't see me until he opens the small space blocking me and him

"Just drive I have no time for formalities " I said breathing heavily like I just ran a marathon race .

               ๐Ÿ™On God๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

        ~KIM SIA~

I kept glancing at my wrist watch as I got down from the taxi I boarded from the airport . The driver couldn't make it on time to the airport cause of my welcome home party .

I waited with my bag at the spot I was suppose to too,its been taking forever now . Kim sia is the name , I'm pretty famous for my paintings and I have lots of followers . I attend Kangnam School Of Art ,the best school in all of Korea . All best idols attends so its tagged as School for the rich .

I took out my phone then put a call through my mommy  " Umma" I yelled scratching my head cause of the stupid wig I wore as a disguise so itchy. "My baby" her voice sounded at the other end . "mom I have been stucked here for about 20 mins now ,no one is here .Until people starts to recognize me as Kim sia of night girls right huh??" I yelled removing the wig and glasses "ah!" I yelled heaving a sigh of relieve .

"Kim sia!!" A girl yelled from afar making others recognize me . "I should have just left the itchy wig" I said in my mind with my heart beating so fast . Trust me fans can be crazy what of they kill me ,I know they love me but they can be aggressive .

"Kim sia!!' They kept yelling running to me "pls sign this " she said bringing out a potriat of I and Audrey . I smiled then took my pen out ,I started to sign taking pictures with some em as well. I felt like I was gonna die .

 Just then a car parked in front of us ,three bold men came out of it . They were in suits ,I recognize one of em as Audrey's favorite bodyguard. "Ma'am we were asked to bring you home " he said then bowed . I nodded as the fans became more aggressive.

๐Ÿšนsia one more picture pls
๐Ÿšบwhy do you have to take her away
๐Ÿšบsia !! I love you!!
๐ŸšบI love you !! I love you!!
๐Ÿšบ pls one more picture ,sia!!!

I bowed my head then wore the mask Jones gave me cause fans became more aggressive taking more pictures . They successfully took me into the car ,its Audrey's car . "did Audrey asked you to come pick me" I asked Jones as I took off the mask . "yes ma'am ,your mom called " he replied looking straight . "okay thanks anyways" I said then picked my phone , messages popped in . Updates from Instagram .


Comments started flooding in ,I scoffed then switched off my phone . I just really need to know why my driver wasn't able to pick me up ,I'm gonna sack the idiot .

Geez I'm going back to school on Monday, I'm gonna see my greatest enemy and competition "Kim Lina" she is really talented I know but I won't let her drag me down. Her dad has the biggest shares in Kangnam so she is always proud and stuff showing me she is better than me . geez!!

Audrey is my boyfriend , second best of TAD . Tristan is the first best world wide ,he is on a tour alone to mexico actually the idols are all on a break but everyone will be back today I'm sure .Kangnam sponsor all idols ,the share holders are the one backing us up so they kinda control us when we're suppose to have a break, our exhibitions ,our classes and stuff.


I read the text from Jones ,Sia is now in the car with him . I smiled then dropped my phone ,I picked the other then texted Tristan . He would never text you until you do ,he is the cutest and the most quiet of all . Damon is the talk active playboy . Tristan is on a tour to Mexico we were suppose to go but our crazy manager won't give us a break until we practice our new dance step cause TAD is signing into the Music industry so its kinda tiring .

I got down from my bed then wore my black room slipper . I picked my two phones then went down stairs to the living room as usual Damon was there with a girl . I smirked then coughed as I sat down so they'll notice me .  They actually did,the girl was shy so she used her hair to cover her face but I already saw her she is the model "beauty plus" . "hey bud" Damon said wiping his lips with a clean tissue . "you still gat like some ... Hum...." I said sttutering ,he understood then wiped his lips very well. "Hey! You can leave now" he said to the girl . "leave??" She half yelled probably surprised . I faced my phone looking at the update on Kim Sia ." She looks so beautiful " I said remembering her last words to me before she left . " Audrey I need a Break" she had said. "Break??" I replied thinking of the reason she had said that.

I jotted back to reality when the model mentioned Tristan "you said I would see Tristan" she had said . "Tristan??" I chipped in chuckling not removing my eyes from my phone . "Tristan ??" Damon said mocking her . "it's not fair Damon" she said wearing her jean . "even life itself is not fair " Damon replied making me laugh . "how did you get in here ?" Damon asked her obviously knowing how she did . "huhhh" she stuttered I continued to laugh inside almost dying . " you had to sleep with most of my men to get to me and you think you'll be able to see Tristan . hey girly think! " he said then took out a cigarette . I bursted out laughing real had  "hey chill Damon" I managed to admist my laughter.

Tears filled her eyes "its not fair damon" she said then took her bag , she ran out almost falling down.  I looked at her with a little sympathy then back at Damon. "Hey man thats not fair " I said . "you think? Forget about her ! What's up with you and Sia ? Did she break up with you again? " he asked smoking his cigarette . I crossed my leg then took my other phone expecting Tristan reply but nothing even if he has seen it . "geez! This guy is a psychopath" I said waving away the question he obviously knows the answer to

"You talking about Tristan ?" He asked "yea! I messaged him like 10 mins ago ,he has seen it but didn't reply " I said . "welcome to my world  " he laughed. "You know what? You guys should be like me ,no love life ,no problem and I'm enjoying my life " he said flaunting . "just shut it" I said picking my phones . "manager kang will be here soon " he said  . I sat down back on the chair like a dead fish "Tristan is so enjoying his life in mexico and we'er here killing ourselves for dance steps I'm tired " I said . "illiterate Tristan is coming home today so he'll join us " he said . "Thats a lie ! Tristan already learnt all the dance steps you know he is a fast learner and he is not lazy like us " I uttered. "Us?? Pls talk about your self " he said then picked another cigarette "I still wonder how your lips aren't black with those cigarette  you're taking " .  "look man! Thats just a fucking myth . I'm going to bed " he said then took the pack with him . I pushed my hair backwards then closed my eyes I just wanna sleep..

                         ~ JIN AH~

I finally got myself ,I smiled as I was sure I'm save from jail . It was then I realized how much trouble I just out myself in again "I'm in someone else's car . See another death sentence ,what if its a military man's car ? Ah! Jin ah you're crazy ! . I swallowed then looked around the beautiful car . ~~MUMMY LOVES YOU SIA~~ I read from a chart

Wow ! Sia ! Wait like Kim sia of night girls ? I laughed nervously . Definately not. I looked around again until my eyes met a wine ,I smiled then took it "well since I'm here let me just enjoy it " I opened the wine then sipped a little, my eyes widened as I tasted it , I licked my lips then took another . "Jesus! This wine is so good and expensive . Expensive ? Of course its expensive " I smiled as I continued to take the wine ,I rushed it until I was sure there isn't any drop of wine in the bottle . I sat like a queen then belch feeling myself .

Suddenly the car came to an halt . "Kim  Sia ! Would you like me to announce your arrival"  the driver said . I quickly sat up "Uhm No! Not yet" I said . I slowly opened the car door then ran out . "wow" I yelled as I saw the mansion , "its definitely Kim Sia's place "  wow I can't believe it .  If I ever get caught I'll just lie that the driver kidnapped me I thought as I walked around . looks like they'll be a welcome party ,maids started to troop out cleaning the environment . "Jesus! Why didnt you give me this type of life ? If am rich ah! I'll live my life like the queen I am . My feet must not touch the floor, I must not get sick , I'll be eating chicken everyday with my grandma ,I'll make sure she doesn't work again . She'll just be enjoying her life . People will hardly see her face .

And that jin ho that cheated on my best friend . I'll make sure I catch him ,kill him ,cook him ,fry him  then feed him to my pet lion . Wait I don't even need to stress myself the lion will do the boiling and frying . I laughed as I stared at the beautiful mansion .

"What are you doing here " I heard a voice yelled from the back . My heart started to beat fast like I killed someone I turned to the direction slowly thinking of a lie to form. "Its not me ! Its the driver that kidnapped me "  I half yelled with my innocent face meeting the face of a old but beautiful woman. " Aren't you part of the new maids assigned to clean ma'am Sia's room , she is here already so hurry "  she said then threw me a maid cloth  walking in front  "I? A maid ?" I muttered then quickly followed her .

She opened the door with a card like id ,the door opened revealing a beautiful passage . We entered walking through the narrow passage filled with so much paintings . Wow wow so so beautiful , its definitely Kim sia's house , I'm so happy . TAD paintings were so hanged I felt like jumping in the paintings so I can kiss em . My God Audrey my bias , then I saw Kim lina's painting so beautiful .  She is the leader of the black barbies , talented and beautiful I love her too . She is like the main reason I wanna attend Kangnam I can kill to attend that school .

We finally got to a huge fancy door . " thats Kim Sia's room clean it up " She said then took her steps to leave then stopped again . " Other maids will join, if you do this job deligently you'll be fully hired and will be given a pass like this " she said then showed me the card ,she smiled then left .

I smiled then entered into the room
"Now kill me" I said as I saw the most beautiful room in my entire life ,it has everything . " I must leave my mark" I said then ran to the bed , I bounced on it smiling like a mad woman .

I saw a remote on the bed side table I quickly took it then pressed a button , The fridge opened .  My mouth opened wide , "now this is life" I yelled then jumped to the fridge  "Side dishes" I yelled again picking a chopstick , I danced around  as I ate the foods I can lay my hands on.

I twirled again until I felt dizzy making me fall on the bed hitting my leg on a pinkish save . It opened vomiting out some beautified envelop like card , I picked one then read the wordings. ~~ SCHOLARSHIP TO KANGNAM~~

I rubbed my eyes again trying to make sure I'm not sleeping


I read out again ,I couldn't believe it so I passed out ..

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚she passed out ??
What if Kim sia sees her ?
She even ate and scattered her room

Jin ah is in trouble again o!!

So what do you think of the idols

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