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The Flame and The Flower. Episode 1&2.

🔥🌹The flame  and the flower 🌹🔥

♦♦Episode 1♦♦

Karl's POV

I kissed Preston goodnight and watched him slid his sleepy eyelids shut , i switched off the bedside light and stood up , my son probably hates me , i thought as i came out of his room , leaving the door ajar in case of accidents , it has been a constant practice for me to leave his door open ever since my wife died , Preston became withdrawn , he doesn't smile at me or even anyone , he cant even talk , Preston please forgive me for putting my work first before family , i wasn't at home the night my wife was murdered in cold blood , i was at the office , making money .
I blinked trying to adjust my eyes to the rays of sun that passed through the window , i got up and yawned then rolled out of bed and left my room , Preston stood at the landing waiting , his fingers clutched something  he kept looking at it , " Preston ??" i said , he turned and looked at me , his eyes held no expression ,he handed a write envelope and slowly went upstairs like a ghost , i sighed and opened the envelope , inside it was a letter saying " I QUIT , " it was from my son's home teacher , i flung the paper on the marble floor , why did this crazy woman quit her job , i pay her enough money so what the hell is this ? . I sat down and brought out my cellphone to dial my secretary , she picked in a flash and her voice came through "Hello sir, you are quite late today sir " she said , i clutched my phone and sighed " Lesley , i need you to put out an ad for a live in home teacher for my son , his teacher quited this morning "  " sure sir ......" she said and dropped the call , i got up and looked around before walking upstairs to get ready for work .

Mia's POV

My family sat down for breakfast , " pass me the mayonnaise mum" Marlee said , Marlee was the youngest about 22 years , she was my favourite as the eldest and then my other sister Maisy and me Mia  , i passed the jar of mayonnaise to Marlee who was talking nonstop about a new rap queen , her headphones were on her neck , Maisy was silently eating her breakfast not paying much attention to our endless chatter , "Mia , tell your sister to shut up please , do i need to remind her that i'm retired and getting old , i don't need talk about rap or hip hop " my father said flipping his newspaper , "Dad , firstly, You're  just 57  and yes Marlee please shut it " Marlee smiled and  nodded and focused on breakfast , " Mia , did the company call you about the job ? "  my mum asked from the kitchen , i could smell pancakes , "no mum, they didn't give me the job but speaking of jobs , i found this advertisement online about a teaching job, in that business tycoon's house .....Ummmmm what's his name......Oh Mr Karl Denton" i said smiling , "so you are going for the interview ?" my dad asked , i nodded  " good luck dear " he said again .
Immediately breakfast was over , i dressed and left for the interview , arriving at the mansion wasn't easy , i paused just outside the gate to take a spicy look at the mansion , it was fucking huge and classic , i was checked like a bomber at the gate before i was lead to the main house to wait for Mr Karl , thirty minutes later  ,he came downstairs with both hands in his pockets.

Karl's POV
During the interview, i was overwhelmed by the perfect intelligence of the client " what's your name ?" i asked at last , " Mia , sir , Mia Warren " she replied curtly , " you're hired , start tomorrow " i said and stood up to leave , " oh thank you sir , thank you so much " she said , then my son entered the room , she smiled and squatted to touch his cheeks "hey there buddy , what's your name " she asked , Preston said nothing , looking at her , she continued asking him but he refused to talk , i turned my back and slowly climbed the stairs before her voice stopped me " what's wrong with your son sir " she asked ,stopping me in my tracks,  anger boiled in me as i slowly turned to her , " my son ??.....Does he look deformed " i shouted at her , she trembled like a leaf as she tried to defend herself , i didn't even let her speak " you're fired !! " i barked " leave " , tears dropped from her eyes as she knelt to beg me , and when she saw i wasn't willing to budge , she stood up and went towards the door , on her way out , she stooped and waved Preston goodbye , my son did something that surprised me and made me change my mind .

♦♦Episode 2♦♦

Karl's POV

For the past three years i lost Lauretta , Preston became stoned , his face never stretches into a smile but today , he smiled as he stared at the lady i just fired , Mia held the door knob and looked back at Preston before walking out , immediately she shut the door behind her , i turned to Preston .
"Preston??" i said as i approached him , he turned and stared at me with his cold eyes , why are his eyes cold , he smiled for that lady just now why was he sad at me , i sighed and turned away from him .
"Jacob....Call the lady back " i said to the butler nodding towards the door , Jacob bowed slightly and left , thirty seconds later he entered with Mia at his back , for the fact that my son smiled for the first time in three years , this woman is connected to it somehow and i must find out how.
"You can start work tomorrow by 8 am....Goodluck" i said and walked back to my room .
In my room , i opened my closet to pick out a jacket , my eyes fell on my wedding photo with Lauretta , i gingerly picked it up.
"Lauretta.....It's three years now....Our little boy hasn't spoken to me or even smiled at me....I know he's angry but what can i do, Lauretta it was all my fault you were killed, but Lauretta , fate took you away from me , so i cant ever be haply , just like our son , i haven't loved anyone again , i no longer have fun , Lauretta , i no longer smile " i dropped the photo to wipe my tears .

Mia's POV

" What a jerk , can you imagine he fired me and hired me within two minutes , do i look like a frek show to him ?...........Marlee are you even listening to me?  " i asked Marlee , she removed her headphones and grinned , "sorry sis , but you've been angry at this boss of yours since you came back " Marlee said and laid on her bed , i jumped on mine and sighed.
 "how can somebody be so rude yet good looking at the same time " i said to no body in particular , Marlee sat up abruptly , "OMG have a crush on your boss??" she asked , I threw a pillow at her " shut up Marlee " i said and stood up , what i need now is fun , i brought out my phone and texted my best friend .
"Hey Diego .....Meet me at Atlantic .....Woulda??." and he replied almost immediately " sure Mia  ....See you in thirty minutes " .
I dressed and left the house , Diego was sitted at a corner sipping something , music was blaring in my ears , and every where as dim , i made my way through the dancing crowd .
"Hey Dee" i said and sat down , Diego smiled , "Mia....Why did you ask me to meet you at club Atlantic , i thought you hated this club " he asked as he brushed off his hair "Diego , i have a job now , even though it's just tutoring but the pay is really high " i replied " and i start tomorrow so tonight i want to party " i added , Diego grinned widely as he called a waitress " drinks on me ......I'm so happy for you Mia " i smiled and we sipped our drinks then danced a little .

Karl's POV

I sat near my bedroom window watching Preston in the little playground i did for him , he was playing with a yoyo , his other palm was resting on his chin , a call came in from my secretary , i stared at the phone before answering .
"Lesley , i'm busy " i said coldly , "sir , i know , it's past your work hours but i have good news , Mr Richardo has finally decided to sell the house , he wanted the deal sighed today , i tried convincing him to come tomorrow but he said no , his flight leaves Texas in two hours sir " she said in one breath , i cursed as i stood up to dress up " tell him , i'll be there in twenty five minutes " i said and disconnected the call .
On my drive to the office , i kept thinking about my child and his life ,he can't live his life being dumb  , i rubbed my jaw trying to focus , a lady was trying to cross the road , she looked drunk , i didn't look twice until she drunkenly bumped into my car and fell, i froze on the spot , sweat covered my face and palm as i held the steering wheel , there was just one thought on my mind as i braced myself for the worse " God ....I hope she's not dead" .

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