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The Flame and The Flower. Episode 3&4.

🔥🌹The Flame and the Flower 🌹🔥

♦♦Episode 3&4♦♦

Mia's Pov
I checked my dressing for the last time before ringing the doorbell to the Denton's mansion , Jacob opened the door and bowed meekly , "i will bring Master Preston to you now , ma'am " Jacob said and left , i dropped my bag on the sofa and looked around , Mr Karl surely had a great taste , the chandelier that hung above me said it all , Preston appeared at the top of the stairs with Jacob  following closely , i gave a full smile to Preston then picked my bag and led him to the dinning room , Jacob showed me my room afterwards , Preston didn't say anything throughout our lesson , he just kept staring at the book but he solved his arithmetics well and wrote well too .
I gave him a little time to rest as i went upstairs to my room , i paused a little at the door of Mr Karl's bedroom before walking to mine , where the heck was his wife , i brought out my phone and dialed my mum , she picked at second ring , her voice was cloudy and she sounded like she was crying .
"Mum??? are you okay???" i asked clutching the phone to my ears that they hurt my temples,she sniffed " i'm okay sweetheart , how's your new job ? " she asked , i sighed and scratched my head "mum , i love it that i will earn so much for just a small job but this he is creepy , i mean , no wife , a weird son that doesn't talk , always expressionless " i said as i placed my photo on my bedside table then turned around to hang my clothes in the closet , my mum chuckled through the phone , " Mia , maybe he is a quiet man and also being a very wealthy man , i'm sure he lives a busy and noisy life outside , is it bad if he has a quiet home?" she asked , i smiled "Of course not Mum , mum i have to go back to my tutoring "   i said placing my perfume with other things i brought in front of the vanity mirror "alright baby ...Bye " she said , and after the line dropped dead , i was still convince that my mother was hiding something from me .
Karl's Pov
"Lesley , please cancel all appointments for today " i said through the reciever , then placed it down , i glaced at my wrist watch and sighed then got up and buttoned my suit and left my office , Lesley took my briefcase as we walked towards my convertible , " sir , should i call someone to take you home ?" she asked placing the briefcase on the passenger's seat , i shook my head and got in , "Lesley , please take care of things while i'm gone " i said firing up the engines , she smiled and bowed before walking away , i eased my car out of my company and into the busy roads of Texas , i drove straight to Zella's hospitals and hotels compound , then i walked up to the receptionist , " Karl Denton , i brought an accident victim here yesterday by 9 " i said flashing her my identity card , she nodded " just a moment sir " she said turning briefly to make a phone call "escort Mr Denton to ward 1175" she said into the phone before placing the reciever down and looked at me " this way sir" i nodded and followed the man that came to escort me .
Inside the ward was the lady i hit with my car or she ran into my car, her mum was beside her on a chair sniffing into a handkerchief , she got up when i entered , i glanced at the lady's face and felt like she looked like someone i knew , i shook hands with the mother and turned again to face the sleeping girl , " i'll foot the bills , i am so sorry i ran into your daughter ma'am " i said in my best gentleman voice  , she looked up and gave me a stiff smile .
Mia's Pov
I got up from my bed , i felt bored , the cooks were probably cooking and Preston would be sleeping , Mr Karl was still at work , i  hated the reason why i accepted to be a live-in teacher , i sighed a walked out of my room , pausing briefly again at Mr Karl's room , i felt the urge to push the door knob and enter the room , but i fought the urge and walked away , ten seconds later i found myself retracing my steps and slowly turning the door knob to the room , the room scented like him ,  i walked in and marvelled at how clean and tidy the room was  , i sat on the bed and bounced on it  , laughing a little i stood up and arranged it , i was about leaving when my eyes fell on his closet that was open inside the closet was a photo  of Mr Karl and a woman , blond and lean staring straight at the camera , she looked happy , she wore a white dress while Mr Karl wore a suit , he was smiling widely , like a child that was given candy , "you look really good when you smile sir , please keep smiling " i said to the picture   but where was this woman now , i placed the photo back and retraced my steps out of the room , and outside into the yard , workers were all over , trimming hedges  , lawn mowing and watering plants , then Mr Karl drove in .
Karl's Pov
I was really bad at apologizing , i slammed my steering wheel as i drove into my house , i noticed the Brunette teacher standing by the flowers , she smiled and greeted but i snared and passed her , then i climbed upstairs to change out of my stuffy stupid suit , next i walked to Preston's room , he sat on his bed solving sums , he look up when i came in and look down back at his book , i patted his shoulder then turned and walked out bumping into the teacher , " welcome sir " she said , i rolled my tongue inside my mouth and shoved my hands in my pockets " will you grow tall if i answer your greetings " i asked , she raised her eyes to look at me , she had really good pair of eyes , big ,round and so sexy , "sir.....I......"She tried explaining but i cut her off , " listen here lady , there are rules in this house and the first is don't touch me or my stuffs , secondly , don't talk to me  " i said ,then i walked off , she stood like a statue before leaving , i went out the terrace and asked Jacob to bring me an orange , Miss bright eyes walked towards me , "sir ....We need to talk " , i waved her off and collected the saucer that held my orange and a knife , i wasn't so sure how to peel an orange but i ended up cutting my hand , blood gushed out and dropped on the white floor , miss bright eyes rushed to me , "Sir ....Are you okay ?" she asked holding my hand to get a better veiw of my cut , i sharply withdrew my hand , " of course , i'm not okay, are you blind , and didn't i say not to touch me "i asked , she shook her head , " that's true sir but let me look at your cut , it could get infected ," she said and ran out , i stood wondering if i should call Jacob or not , she came back shortly with a first aid kit , she held my hand and wiped the blood then rubbed disinfectant and put a bandage , why didn't i stop her from touching me , her touch felt so light , i didn't bother , she raised her eyes and looked at me with her bright eyes that i didn't realise i was staring at her until she said "i'm done sir " , i swallowed and shifted my gaze.

♦♦Epsode 4♦♦

Karl's POV
I withdrew my hand angrily , then walked out of the terrace and into my room , my chest threatened to drop because my heart was pounding loudly, why would my heart beat for that teacher , why , i picked the glass cup by my bed and smashed it against the wall , i trashed the room while screaming , i was angry at myself for letting my heart pound , for letting the teacher's eyes fascinate me ,Lauretta would forever remain in my heart , even though i didn't cherish her because of money , i won't let her go. I broke my mirror and threw my shoes about , finally i became weak , i sat down on the floor helplessly and wept like a baby. " Excuse me sir " i looked up and saw miss bright eyes at my door peering around the room , i got up and walked towards her , " what the heck are you doing here, leave " i barked , "sir i came to check on you " she replied meekly , i chuckled a bit then faced her with red eyes , "are you m, guardian, or my wife .....Is something wrong with you , do you derive joy in seeing me , don't you like your job again because i wont hesitate to fire you and your entire life miserable if i ever see your pathetic face near me feigning concern because if there's something you should know , i hate you , now leave my room" i turned my back and walked into the bathroom hoping she would leave before i came out and she left . I sat on my bed and stared at my wrecked room then i rung the tiny machine on my desk , Jacob came in , his hands were at his back ,if he was shocked he didn't show it ,i ordered him to clean my room then i went out to the garden to clear my head , my phone rang after a while , it was my secretary ,
"Speak Lesley" i said not wanting to waste time
"Sir , do you know any miss Mia Warren"she asked sounding indifferent , "Yes , my son's live in teacher , any problem"I asked
"Yes sir, sir the accident victim is miss Marlee Warren , Mia's younger sister and she has to undergo a surgery " Lesley said .
As determined as i was to tell miss bright eyes about her sister , it didn't mean anything to me but it started meaning something when i reached her door , it was half open and i could hear Mia's voice " Diego , i was terribly insulted today and i felt like giving up and going back  , i hate my boss, when he insulted me , i felt like slapping his handsome face and walking out of his mansion with pride but i thought about my family ,that's why i need this job, i love my family so much , i cant see them suffer,my mum ,my dad and above all , my sister whose thoughts keeps me going , the sister i love most , Marlee". I almost fell down in shock as i turned and walked back downstairs in shock.


After taking to Diego , i felt much better , i got back my strength to move on but what shattered me again was the news i got about my beloved sister's accident , my mum said a rich dude ran her over , she wept for hours in her room till it was time for Preston's tutorial , i walked downstairs almost bumping into Karl , she bowed slightly and hurried on ,Jacob stood at the landing , i walked past to the dinning where Preston sat with his books waiting .
I hate rich people , i hate the man that made Marlee in this position , she slipped into coma , the dude that hit her stopped visiting the hospital , he just sent us money for the bills , rich people think they own the world i hate them , except Mr Karl , i know his different , he was responsible and doesn't hit people with his car .
Maisy called me hours later , her voice sounding strange ,"Mia , i heard about Marlee "she said , i wondered if it was a question or a statement , i waited for her to say more but she didn't so i said " i feel bad for her " i said , Maisy was silent for some seconds before she said "i'm pregnant Mia , and i want to get married before mum and dad finds out " she said as though she didn't feel bad for Marlee , i got angry and hung up muttering about people spoiling my day .
Diego visited me two days later in Karl's mansion , he bought chocolate and a flower , " don't you think , Marlee deserves your flowers not me " i said without touching them , Diego scratched his head and smiled , "yea you're right " then he laughed as i led the way to my room .
Karl's POV
I want to tell Mia but i can't , for the first time ever i felt bad for my actions ,Mia deserves to know the truth , i got up and determined once again to say the truth i walked towards her bedroom , i heard a male voice , i wanted to turned and leave but i stood at the door listening , their voices were low like a whisper , i leaned and placed my ear on the door , i didn't know when Mia opened the door and i fell down " sir???" she said , i cleared my throat and got up , "um......Mia ....I .....i....Wanted to tell you that um......I was .....I was going out and you should take care of the house , " i said feeling embarrassed ,the guy in the room gave me a puzzled look as i went out , i felt confused , and i know where exactly to go that would clear my head........Lauretta's grave .

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