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Fated Love. Episode 1&2.

Episode 1πŸ’§πŸ’§

I smiled when I saw the familiar car parked outside our house in one of the slums in the most dirtiest side of Lagos
I didn't have a good night sleep as I was thinking of uncle dan,my dad's junior brother who lives in lekki where most rich people stay
That's what u usually hear from my class mates
"That place is like America in Lagos" johnny the class talkative said in the class one day when he was arguing about something with his friends
I walked quickly into the not furnished one room apartment while some of ky neighbours just stared at me
They are who I call amebo's squadπŸ˜‰
I walked inside to see my uncle... He was sitted on the only couch in the room while my father in just singlet and wrapper sat down on the work out foam we refer to as bed
Damn poverty!
But I have learn to live in it
"Ah David u are here" my father said with a broad smile which made him a little hit handsome... He's handsome though
"Good morning sir" I greeted respectfully while my uncle smiled and nodded at me
The smell of his expensive Cologne waft past my nostril as I walked towards my father to give him his snuff
"Thank u my son"he said and dropped it by his side and looked up at me
" I guess you know why your uncle Daniel is here"he asked
Of course I know!
"Yes papa" I said and he nodded
"He didn't sleep last night at all because he was very anxious about today" my father revealed and I felt embarrassed as my uncle looked at me and smiled
He is handsome abs maybe in his father never seize to embarrass me when he gets the chance, am 18 for goodness and an adult
But I still love his though coz he is caring and kind
"So is your luggage ready?" My uncle said to me for to first time
"Yes uncle" I affirmed
"I guess we are done here brother" he said to my father whike he just nodded
"Ermm David take your luggage outside and wait for your uncle outside...I Want to discuss something with him" my father said while I nodded and took my Ghana must go bag and left the room and went outside
My neighbours a.k.a amebo squad were still outside
That's not my business anyways
I would be leaving here in a few minutes
I can't believe I will start schooling in a big school,and my uncle also promised to further my education to the university level
God has a way of helping his children
My sister is living with my father's elder sister and she has also promised to further her education too and now my uncle
Am just so happy, I would not end up like my father... A poor mechanic who finds it hard to feed his children talk less of sending us to school
Thank goodness for the government school or I won't even be in school
Gloria's POVπŸ“πŸ“
Gosh why are they all so dumb
I thought angrily as my entourage consisting of maids and chauffeurs as I alighted from the plane and walked on the red carpet spread for me
"Hush baby" I whispered at my puppy and rubbed her
"Where's the limou?" I asked no one in particular
"Miss Gloria" I looked up to see the stupid old man
Our oldest chauffeur
"Chauffeur Lee" u forced a smile
Out of all the aids we have in the house, he is the only one that has respect... My mum respects him so much
And since my mum like him,I have to force myself to like him
"You look beautiful today Gloria" he said
"I always look beautiful chauffeur Lee" I rolled my eye
"And call me ria" I cut in
"Your mother is expecting u Gloria" he said
Gosh, the damn old man

"And y isn't she here,she is the reason why I am in this godforsaken country in the first place" I said and I made an irritated gesture
"She has some business to deal with" he said
"I trust mum must have a reasonable reason" I said and walked towards the limousine which Lee Brought with him whike he sat at the front sit and the driver drove off
This house hasn't changed a bit...I thought as I stared at the gigantic style's mansion
The fountain which was built in honour of my grandmother was still there unchanged
My sweet much I missed her
I walked past the trimmed lawan leading to the main house
The door opened for me to see my mum
"Mummy!" I shouted as I handed over my puppy to chauffeur Lee and hugged her
"My sweet goddess" she said
"The only pretty Nigerian who captured the heart of the narcissistic king of styles property" I teased her as we walked towards the couch
"Naughty girl" she pinched my nose jokingly and we both laughed
"So how is your father?" She asked,I saw that longing in her eye

Dad and mum has been divorced for 4years now
She caught him in bed with another woman in one of our mansion in the States
Then they divorced... I know she didn't want it but she just have to
But that didn't stopped me from visiting her in Nigeria
"Haven't u forgotten about that american guy already?" I teased her referring to my father while she just smiled
"I know you still love him" I said
"Forget it now sweedy, come on go and freshen up and come downstairs to eat your delicious food" she said
"I love you mum" I said and pecked her and went upstairs to my room
After dinner I retired to my room and when I was about to turn off the bed lamp, I heard a knock

"Come in" I said and my mum entered
She was beautiful as ever
"Mum" I raised a brow
"Did I disturb u?" She asked with a worried look
"No mum" I said and sat up
"Is there any problem?" I asked with a curious look
"No baby, just want to discus something with you" she said and sat on my pink queen sized bed
"Okay mum... Am all hears" I said and tucked my long brown hair aside
"What's your plan here in Nigeria, when will u leave?" She asked
"Mum..." I drawled
"You know when I do go back...anytime school starts in the States" I said
"So you will leave me alone again in this big house?" She asked as she looked around with a sorrowful look
"Mum?" I called
"I want you to stay here,school here my child.... Please am begging you" she said and held my face
I might be an arrogant spoit brat....but I hate it when my mum looks sad
She is my everything
"You can always come back to the States" I said
"No that won't be possible dear" she said
I understand, she doesn't want to see father
"Please my child" she begged
"For how long?" I asked
"Just for your secondary school.... You are in your final year so it wouldn't be hard,just stay with me my child... I have always been lonely without you for the past few years" she cried

"Mum! aren't permitted to cry, you know how it hurts to see u like this" I begged and hugged her
I will just school in this stupid country with an harsh weather just for mum....goodness!!

Episode 2πŸ’§πŸ’§

Dave's POVπŸ“πŸ“
I tried my best not to think about my dad and mum as my uncle drove past tall beautiful houses in the part of Lagos meant for the rich
Uncle's house must be big
"You like what u see?" My uncle asked as he looked at me for a moment and faced front
"Yes Sir" I said while he nodded and smiled
"I can't wait for u to see Samuel and my wife,they will be happy to see you" he said
"Thank u sir" I said
"Don't be so formal, my child just call me uncle" he said
"Okay uncle" I said
He is really cool..I thought
This is great!
"Come out David" my uncle said
Then I came back to reality
I was staring at my uncle's house
It was a beautiful grey duplex
"Come on" he said while I cluctched my Ghana must go under my armpit as I followed my uncle like a fool
This is great!
When we got to the entrance and my uncle was about to open the door he turned to look at me
"Are u ready?" He asked I nodded
He smiled a reassuringly smile and pressed the door bell
The door opened to reveal a beautiful woman maybe in her twenties...but she was so
Mum once told me she gave birth to Samuel while In university that's why
Samuel is just about my age
"Wow!,welcome love" she smiled and hugged her husband while I just stood waiting to see the interior of this mansion
"Look at my handsome cousin" she said and came to me while smiling
"He is my cousin love not yours" my uncle joked
"Naughty boy" she said to him and turned to me
"Come on in David,you are welcome to my humble abode" she said and collected my bag from me without even asking
"You must be tired" she said and led me into the living room
This place is way more cooler than any house I have ever seen
Even some of NY classmates whose parent are more better than mine haven't got a place like this
"Hey David stop looking already, you have a very long time to look since u will start living here" she said with smile
"Just let the boy be July" my uncle said
"Okay whatever" she said
And I almost chuckled coz of the way she made her puppy face
"Where's Samuel" my uncle asked
"Am here" a voice said behind me and I turned to see a boy about my age
He folded his arm and was resting on the wall
He wasn't looking so happy, he had a frown on his face as he stared at me with disgust
"Who's the villager" he asked with a smirk
"Hey Sam,behave yourself... He isn't any villager but your brother" his mum said
"My brother?" He asked with a disgustful look
"Like seriously mum?....look at how he is dressed, like a clown" he chuckled while I looked down and looked up at him again and he was having a smirk on his face
"Samuel!" His dad shouted and he rolled his eye
"So when will he be leaving mum?" He asked his mum ignoring his dad
"Not anytime soon" she replied
"I don't understand" he said
"He will he schooling here" she said
"There are some low class school I can recommend for him mum" he said
"I have heard enough now Samuel,now to your room! And take David with you" my uncle said in a commanding tone while Samuel eyed me and left without even saying anything
"That rude....."
"Calm down Daniel, I will deal with him" my aunt said and turned to me
"Come on David,let's go to Samuel's room" she said and I nodded and followed her to the lion's den
The ray from the sun woke me up as I stretched and opened my eye to see samuel putting on his uniform
"Your uniform is there villager" he smirked and was about to leave
"Am not a villager, I was born in a city just like u" I stood up from the bed and looked at him
He was handsome just like my uncle in his white lijg sleeved ironed shirt and Navy blue trouser and his tie made him look good
Though I will be wearing that soon
" call that slum you stay in a city.... Gosh! Middle class brain" he said and rolled his eye and was about to go but turned again
"If u have decided to go to Campbell college... Then get ready for a miserable life coz if the spoilt rich brats in Campbell college doesn't make it mesirable then I will" he said and left
Damn it!
Why does my cousin have hate me
I shrugged and went to dress up and I looked at my uniform and smiled
20 minutes later I was ready
I and Samuel's room was just an adjourning to the living room
I opened the door and walked to the dining
Thus uniform just make me feel awakward...I thought and smiled as I walked to the dining
The whole family were eating
Samuel scoffed when he saw me
"Speaking of the clown" he said to no one in particular
"Good morning uncle,good morning ma" I greeted them while they smiled at me
"Come and Join us for breakfast" my aunt said with a broad smile
She looks really beautiful this morning in a blue top and Jeans trousers
Mum told me she is a blogger and doesn't go to work
She just stays at home and blog all day
"Maybe not or he might get an upset stomach coz it is not used to this kind if food" he blurted out
"Sam!. Be nice" that was his mum
He just shrugged and took his backpack
"Am off to school"
"I will take your car mum" he added and was about to leave
"I will take u both to school so sit till David is done"my aunt said while Sam gave me this deadly look
" I will he leaving now love...take care of yourselves boys "my uncle said and left after he has kissed His wife
I thought of many things as aunt July drove the car to my new school
Am so ecstatic!
I rubbed my hands so many times
This us not my school in the slums
I could imagine Campbell college
A tall 2 storey building... With a large field and a fountain in the middle
I wonder how it's class looked like
The chairs and tables and how the teacher's tone will sound
" nervous villager? "Samuel asked
"Yes and am not a villager, am your co...."
He raised his hand to signal me to stop
"To hell to cousins" he mouthed and turned to the other side while I sighed....I wonder why he hates me

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